Session 1 PART 4 FORUM:
Post your opinion on one or more of the articles from either reading playlist. Include your thoughts on one or more of these questions:
- If people are looking for alternative lifestyles, what’s the matter with “mainstream”?
- How have lifestyles around the world changed because of the internet and the media?
- How has the “mainstream” lifestyle changed in your corner of the world?
Remember to clearly mention the article to which you’re referring or link it in your post.
Later, return to the FORUM to read what your classmates think. Also, reply to 1-2 posts on articles you haven’t read.
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1.)According to the article: “They Call Us Crazy: How To Thrive When Living a Non-Mainstream Lifestyle” and thinking about the first question: “If people are looking for alternative lifestyles, what’s the matter with “mainstream”?”, I would say that the mainstream is there to have a basic goal or manner of how people think normally and for people who cannot get out of their own knowledge because they are afraid to take an action to differ from everybody else. It is true that some people cannot think against the mainstream because even though they have their alternative lifestyles, it might be difficult for them to get out of their original knowledge. This is why I think mainstream is there for some people to recognize a basic goal/thinking however it might affect some people’s lifestyle as well. 2.)Reading the second article; “This Australian company gives employees 12 weeks of “life leave” every… Read more »
1. I carefully assume that most of the people looking for alternative lifestyles aren’t doing it for the right purpose, but to follow the trend. If not, maybe people shouldn’t consider or blam mainstreams because they are not significant impacts that change or has the ability to influence a difference in one’s lifestyle. In order to sustain or develop a successful mainstream flow, you shouldn’t become independent or have sustainable lifestyles because they are a threat. In order to thrive when living a non-mainstream lifestyle and find an alternative lifestyle, you should be able to manage yourself financially, socially, emotionally, mentally, and physically. 2&3. A digital nomad is also known as location-independent lifestyle, which we can evidently refer to that the internet and the media have had a great impact on our lives as well as our lifestyles. Lifestyles around the world changed especially because humans have been relying too… Read more »
First of all, I agree to both or your opinions. Your answer to the first question is clear and I do think the mainstream is there to only follow its trend and also I agree to the point you said “In order to sustain or develop a successful mainstream flow, you shouldn’t become independent or have sustainable lifestyles because they are a threat” because I think people who needs to be independent should stay being able to manage themselves as well. So I strongly agree to it.
Secondly, I again, agree to your answer to question 2&3 since you said media and internet affects significantly to our lifestyles and humans as well by using the examples of taking jobs from humans and change of the way we hang out with our friends together. I also said that internet/media has a significant impact, so I understood and agreed to your opinions.
I also agree with your opinion that mainstream is to only follow its trend. I also think that you should depend on others or have a sustainable lifestyle.
Responding to your question I do agree to a certain extent about lifestyles. People aren’t looking for alternative lifestyles just to follow the trend they are doing it to get out of the trend. People find alternative lifestyles to seek for an effective way to thrive living. Since mainstream has become at some point a conventional method yet some people think it is not versatile enough to suit some living hence they find this by developing alternatives. But responding to the second and third question, to a great extent I do agree that the Internet has changed the economic landscape including substituting humans with technologies in this modernization era.
To answer the question “How have lifestyles around the world changed because of the internet and the media?”, I think I need to explain the article I read first of all. The article “Ten Awesome Alternative Lifestyle” introduces 10 alternative lifestyles that people who want to move away from mainstream society and live differently. There is a commonality of those ten lifestyles, it is about working and living in cooperation. Everyone stays away from the Internet and the media and works/ lives with the people around them. Due to the development of the Internet and media, we have more and more things to solve with a cell phone. In other words, if the Internet and media have not developed, we will still be living in the 10 lifestyles that Article says. I don’t argue that it is desirable to rely on others and not to develop my own problem-solving skills.… Read more »
I agree that the internet and media has developed among these days as I understand that phone is a machine that we can rely on and I think it is really interesting to know we should get a chance to visit the centers like yoga centers, organic farms etc, since I didn’t know that. Thank you for sharing your ideas.
I do agree with your views. As technology has developed and is developing, people rely on it and others. Leaving from technology and spend time for other things such as yoga and organic farms, are really interesting for me.
I read “They Call Us Crazy: How To Thrive When Living a Non-Mainstream Lifestyle” For the question :
If people are looking for alternative lifestyles, what’s the matter with “mainstream”?
I define mainstream as one’s comfort zone. If looking for alternative lifestyles, people should recognize that they are out of their mainstream, and in order to get back in their comfort zone, people should find resources that could help them. For example, they could search on the internet when looking for an alternative lifestyle.
To a great extent, I agree with what u said about getting into the comfort zone is to find resources. This is similar to what we are living on currently changing lifestyles including school zone. Due to external effects we are forced to change our learning habits transitioning from being physically present in school to home learning. This means that to get out of our comfort zone in learning we need to be resilient as well as being resourceful in some cases we need to “chase teacher” to adapt to our learning.
If people are looking for alternative lifestyles, what’s the matter with “mainstream”? What bothers people a lot about being into something mainstream is that numerous people have used it and that gives a sense of being in the comfort zone which is similar to living a normal lifestyle as it has been used and turned into daily habits. Hence, if people are looking for an alternative lifestyle, I suggest finding something vibrant and bold meaning going out of the zone. How have lifestyles around the world changed because of the internet and the media? How has the “mainstream” lifestyle changed in your corner of the world? In this era of modernization, people’s lifestyles change as the internet progresses. Currently the mainstream lifestyle is people tend to hang around with technologies more than they interact with people. Including in Indonesia where a lot of people in public spaces rather use indirect… Read more »
The article I’m referring to for question 1 is “They Call Us Crazy: How To Thrive When Living a Non-Mainstream Lifestyle” while the second and third question is referred to the article entitled “This Australian company gives employees 12 weeks of “life leave” every year”
I have a strong agree with your opinion in question 1 because people were different, which cause them to have an different level of comfort and entertainment, so if they were having an alternative lifestyle, they should seek for a lifestyle that suit them individually.
As well as Question 2, since technology and social media has become an important part of our life, well describe for “mainstream lifestyle”, since there is also belief that people should have smartphone as norm to society, which is support your argument very well
I read an article that is “This Australian company gives employees 12 weeks of ‘life leave’ every year.” This article is about the Australian company allows its employees to have 6 to 12 weeks of “life leave” each year to travel, work part-time, or simply to do nothing. Moreover, the company is introducing 2 new options that are term-time working will allow their employee to work full-time during the school year, with all school holidays off, or as an alternative, an employee can work part-time for three months. The question that I chose is “How have lifestyles around the world changed because of the internet and the media? How has the “mainstream” lifestyle changed in your corner of the world? Technology has developed and is developing, our life has been changing more convenience. It is possible to work through the internet, allowing us to not need to commute to our… Read more »
How has the “mainstream” lifestyle changed in your corner of the world? In my opinion, I believe that the “mainstream lifestyle” is bring an opportunity and also a drawback to user’s belief. According to the article: ‘Is digital nomad living going mainstream?’, this is a clearly example of the drawback from following an “mainstream” lifestyle through the media’s belief. A “mainstream” lifestyle, in my personally opinion, is change people belief and attitude, especially an ethic of choice of individual user. Since the ‘mainstream’ in definition meant ‘the ideas, attitudes, or activities that are regarded as normal or conventional; the dominant trend in opinion, fashion, or the arts’. With these lifestyle, it has influence social media user to believe it as normal or trendy or flashy , with a different various of reason to fit in the society’s belief ideas, it may have change some of user world point of view… Read more »